
A new XNAT client that exposes XNAT objects/functions as python objects/functions.

Getting started

To install just use pip:

pip install xnat

If desired, instead of pip conda can be used. There is also a conda package available:

conda install -c conda-forge xnat

To get started, create a connection and start querying:

>>> import xnat
>>> session = xnat.connect('', user="", password="")
>>> session.projects['Sample_DICOM'].subjects
>>> session.disconnect()

To see all options for creating connections see the xnat.connect().

The XNAT session is the main class for interacting with XNAT. It contains the main communication functions.

When using IPython most functionality can be figured out by looking at the available attributes/methods of the returned objects.


To store credentials this module uses the .netrc file. This file contains login information and should be accessible ONLY by the user (if not, the module with throw an error to let you know the file is unsafe).


Currently we have basic support for almost all data on XNAT servers. Also it is possible to import data via the import service (upload a zip file). There is also some support for working with the prearchive (reading, moving, deleting and archiving).

Any function not exposed by the object-oriented API of xnatpy, but exposed in the XNAT REST API can be called via the generic get/put/post methods in the session object.

There is at the moment still a lack of proper tests in the code base and the documentation is somewhat sparse, this is a known limitation and can hopefully be addressed in the future. You can contact the author for any feature request and they will be considered. Also pull requests, documentation updates and other help are always appreciated.